A new approach to education

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Our Schools

See what we are doing around the world.

Southern Africa

Ghana - School #1

Where it all started in 2011 serving in the Volta region, students pulled back the straw fence just to get a peek at the summer camp. Each day, over 100 students showed up and stayed in the hot sun for the opportunity to experience and learn.


Europe, Albania

Creating a school for impoverished street children.

The KULM team facilitates events and camps for youth. Partnering with local government, we have the green light to build a sustainable education model for our local partners to operate.


Southern Africa-Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a country ripe for growth with the Mutsvene family sustaining much of the Mazowe region. TKM looks to partner with this family and BMF international company to support New Day Primary Schools in the countryside.


South East Asia

TKM has contacts in Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines and is looking to start a local PurposED School that connects with ongoing ministries to poor and orphaned young people.

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